October 2013 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
jdowell 2013-10-28 10:50 Rev.: 1473

Fixed a bug with the auto-naming of SDFs in shiftSDF.py.

29 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2013-10-25 11:34 Rev.: 1472

Set the revision properties on writePsrfits2FromDRSpec.py.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2013-10-25 11:33 Rev.: 1471

Major changes to the Pulsar extension to add in new features to writePsrfits2.py. First, many different polarizatons modes are supported. Second, on-the-fly spectral kurtosis can be used to flag some RFI. Third, a bug was fixed in the subintegrations where tsubint wasn't being set. Fourth, explicit timetag checking was added to the script to check for data gaps. Finally, the subints. are stored with BZERO and BSCALE values to take advantage of the new PRESTO float-internals branch. Also, a converter for DR spectrometer data has been added.

1362 lines of code changed in 4 files:

jdowell 2013-10-25 11:06 Rev.: 1470

Added the original TBW calibration scripts to the Commissioning/TBW directory. A new version should be upcoming that uses the LSL self-calibration module.

1965 lines of code changed in 9 files:

jdowell 2013-10-23 15:54 Rev.: 1469

Added another SDF example.

186 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jdowell 2013-10-23 13:01 Rev.: 1468

Updated shiftSDF.py to force the user to specify a beam if one is not already specified and added automatic naming of the output file based on the SDF if one isn't specified.

50 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2013-10-22 14:35 Rev.: 1467

Moved the on-line validator out of the LSL SessionSchedules extension since it isn't all that useful for the general user. Fixed validatorCLI.py to work without the validator and swtich resolve.py over to resolveCLI.py so it can be used without apache2/mod_python.

219 lines of code changed in 21 files:

jdowell 2013-10-21 10:32 Rev.: 1462

Fixed a few bugs in plotHDF.py related to when _helper is not avaliable and when the auto-scale function of _helper is used.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2013-10-17 15:52 Rev.: 1448

Added a the RMS to the histogram plot window in smGUI.py.

22 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jdowell 2013-10-17 14:15 Rev.: 1447

Small fix to the HDF5 helper.c module to get rid of a compile-time warning.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2013-10-17 14:11 Rev.: 1446

Relaxed part of the option checking in shiftSDF.py.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2013-10-17 14:08 Rev.: 1445

Added histogram information to stationMaster[2].py and smGUI.py for both LWA1 and the prototype system.

445 lines of code changed in 6 files:

jayce 2013-10-17 12:14 Rev.: 1444

Switched stationMaster.py and its kin over to saving to the local directory instead of the file's location.

21 lines of code changed in 4 files:

jdowell 2013-10-16 13:01 Rev.: 1443

Added an optional to get a MJD/MPM value from a date and a LST.

97 lines of code changed in 1 file:

September 2013 »

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