July 2012 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
jdowell 2012-07-31 13:52 Rev.: 969

Small tweak to checkTimetags.py to provide a better summary of what is missing from where and how bad.

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2012-07-25 17:35 Rev.: 966

Oops, looks like the *DRSU.py scripts I just committed ignored the fact that they work off the DRSU.

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jdowell 2012-07-25 17:33 Rev.: 965

Updated the various DRX scripts to better deal with files that begin with a mangled frame. Added the improved offset functionality to hdfWaterfallStokes.py.

97 lines of code changed in 6 files:

jdowell 2012-07-25 17:31 Rev.: 964

Added a summary message to checkTimetags.py to list which boards are generating the missing frames.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2012-07-25 17:09 Rev.: 963

Added information about the ARX board/channel to the smGUI.py Details->Antenna window. Fixed a problem with checkTimetags.py that caused it to die on files with TBN data after the TBW data.

15 lines of code changed in 2 files:

jdowell 2012-07-25 15:56 Rev.: 961

Updated aggregateWaterfalls.py to use the lsl.statistics.kurtosis module.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jdowell 2012-07-20 17:33 Rev.: 953

Applied the changes in r950 and r951 to the various scripts in the DRX Commissioning extension.

247 lines of code changed in 7 files:

jdowell 2012-07-04 09:46 Rev.: 942

Added support for left/right arrows moving around the array be stand ID to smGUI.py.

30 lines of code changed in 1 file:

jayce 2012-07-01 14:12 Rev.: 941

Fixed a typo in the code that checks to see if the pointing correction has already been applied.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

June 2012 »

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