the LSL 1.2.x branch Developers: jayce

Login name:
Total Commits:
97 (2.5%)
Lines of Code:
2,711 (2.6%)
Most Recent Commit:
2019-10-15 18:57

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for jayce

Activity by Day of Week for jayce

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 97 (100.0%) 2711 (100.0%) 27.9
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/correlator/ 15 (15.5%) 1586 (58.5%) 105.7
branches/lsl-1.2.x/tests/ 13 (13.4%) 436 (16.1%) 33.5
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/common/ 20 (20.6%) 402 (14.8%) 20.1
branches/lsl-1.2.x/ 20 (20.6%) 143 (5.3%) 7.1
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/misc/ 6 (6.2%) 65 (2.4%) 10.8
branches/lsl-1.2.x/scripts/ 7 (7.2%) 32 (1.2%) 4.5
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/reader/ 4 (4.1%) 18 (0.7%) 4.5
branches/lsl-1.2.x/doc/ 2 (2.1%) 13 (0.5%) 6.5
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/data/tests/ 6 (6.2%) 12 (0.4%) 2.0
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/ 1 (1.0%) 2 (0.1%) 2.0
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/sim/ 1 (1.0%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
branches/lsl-1.2.x/doc/source/ 1 (1.0%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/imaging/ 1 (1.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of jayce

Most Recent Commits

jayce 2019-10-15 18:57 Rev.: 2986

Fixed another hashing problem with the lsl.common.stations.LWAStation class.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/common: (+2 -2)
jayce 2019-10-11 14:19 Rev.: 2973

Small change to the VDIF buffer to get it working with the ARO files we have.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/reader: (+2 -2)
jayce 2019-09-05 09:47 Rev.: 2923

It looks like AIPY 2.1.12 works with LSL now (if you fix the AIPY _src install problem).

3 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: (+1 -1), (+1 -1)
  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/doc/source: install.rst (+1 -1)
jayce 2019-09-03 19:17 Rev.: 2922

Internally wrapped the setup.get_atlas() function to deal with unexpected results in atlas_info.

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: (+13 -4)
jayce 2019-08-22 14:44 Rev.: 2905

Updated the minimum version of SciPy required to 0.19. Updated the CHANGELOG to reflect changes in the dependencies.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: CHANGELOG (+2 -1), (+1 -1)
jayce 2019-08-21 18:37 Rev.: 2902

Fixed a couple of problems in lsl.misc.parser related to hours and degrees.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/misc: (+2 -2)
jayce 2019-07-30 20:10 Rev.: 2888

Use our own constants for the speed of light.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/sim: (+1 -2)
jayce 2019-03-26 09:50 Rev.: 2863

Added support for proper motion to the IDF format.

137 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: CHANGELOG (+1)
  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/common: (+93 -21), (+2 -2), (+2 -2)
  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/tests: (+39)
jayce 2019-02-15 10:14 Rev.: 2829

Small tweak to the new PFB interfaces to add a 'window' keyword (that's not used) to make lsl.common.fx easier to maintain. Updated the CHANGELOG.

30 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: CHANGELOG (+7)
  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/correlator: core.c (+6 -6), (+5 -20), spec.c (+6 -6), stokes.c (+6 -6)
  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/tests: (-1)
jayce 2019-02-14 17:22 Rev.: 2828

Added a new -p/--pfb option to various 'correlate*' and '*Spectra' scripts than can make use of it.

28 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/scripts: (+5 -3), (+5 -3), (+6 -2), (+6 -2), (+6 -2)
jayce 2019-02-14 17:06 Rev.: 2827

Cleaned up some of the documentation associated with the new PFB code.

6 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/correlator: core.c (+2 -2), spec.c (+2 -2), stokes.c (+2 -2)
jayce 2019-02-14 16:55 Rev.: 2826

Added a polyphase filter bank poption to the various functions in lsl.correlator.fx.

1774 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/correlator: core.c (+566 -9), (+82 -24), spec.c (+382 -12), stokes.c (+465 -7)
  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/tests: (+279 -2)
jayce 2019-02-14 11:48 Rev.: 2822

os.path.basename() not os.basename().

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: (+4 -4)
jayce 2019-02-14 11:47 Rev.: 2821

Worked on the get_openmp() function in to try and get newer versions of clang to build with OpenMP.

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: (+11 -3)
jayce 2019-02-11 10:10 Rev.: 2809

This is LSL version 1.2.4.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: VERSION (+1 -1)
jayce 2019-02-11 09:15 Rev.: 2808

Updated the CHANGELOG to get ready for the release of LSL 1.2.4.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x: CHANGELOG (+1)
jayce 2019-02-01 12:05 Rev.: 2797

Fixed a matplotlib problem in

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/scripts: (+3 -3)
jayce 2019-01-28 09:55 Rev.: 2782

Worked on making the TBF reader more robust and fixed a few problems offsetting into some types of files in lsl.reader.ldp.

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/reader: (+3 -3), (+5 -1)
jayce 2019-01-25 14:07 Rev.: 2776

Another change to the TBF capture time to take into account how many tunings are used.

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/common: (+9 -8)
jayce 2019-01-25 12:26 Rev.: 2775

Small change to the TBF dump time to reflect the 5 s needed to make sure the buffer is filled.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/lsl-1.2.x/lsl/common: (+2 -2)

(23 more)

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